Terry Zucker is a consultant, an art expert and a people connector.
In my eyes, she’s the most generous ‘head hunter for friendships’.

She mobilized a big group of her Berlin friends to welcome us when we moved there.
Before Corona, you could find Terry mostly on a plane zipping around the globe from art fairs, to weddings, to birthdays with an unprecedented amount of energy.
I don’t think Terry knew jet lag back then.

She has a heart of gold and is obsessed with social justice, women's rights, human rights, art and its place in helping to reflect and call attention to everything that ails humans.
Imagine how happy she is about the new president!

Covid has changed her life.
In her own words: ....it has cut off my wings, my ability to physically see my friends and family from so many different borders.... but it has given me time to reflect on what's important, what matters and has awakened me to so much injustice, inequality and my small ability to help make a difference... as small as it maybe.

Thank you Terry for summing up how most of us are feeling.